
California Dreamescapes explores the allure of escapism, reflecting on the romanticization of California from the perspective of a lifelong local.

Photographs made with the Digital Harinezumi are printed as souvenir postcards, surveying the mythology of “The Golden State” as a paradise that attracts dreamers, seekers, and visionaries. 

Aiming the toy camera through tinted sunglasses captures a psychedelic spectrum, illuminating classic California escapes – from idyllic landscapes and amusement parks to mysticism and space exploration – and heightening the otherworldliness of this storied state. 

Music videos shot with the Digital Harinezumi for dublab’s Light From Los Angeles daydream of greener grass, revealing the illusion of escape and the fantasy of Hollywood endings.

Created from 2011–2018 with support from dublab and SuperHeadz.Tokyo

Your Own Backyard, 2011

Video, 3:20

Selected works featured here; to view the complete project, please inquire.


© 2024 Laura Darlington